Steel welding

GEMEC-UNION Plc. produces weldments weighing  up to 10t. We perform arc welding with active gas (the 135-MAG method with the use of mixed gas  M21) and an automatic flux-cored welding (the 121-SAW method). All welding processes are based on verified WPS. For the 135-MAG method, we use power sources up to 500A. As for the 121-SAW method, two mechanized workplaces are available. All our welders and operators are being re-examnied on a regular basis according to the following applicable standards:: EN ISO 9606-1 and EN ISO 14732.

In accordance with the TNI CEN ISO/TR 15608 norm, we weld basic materials belonging to groups 1.1, 1.2, and 8.1. We use exclusively those additional materials that comply with valid norms and regulations.

In accordance with the EN ISO 9712 norm, visual control of the welds is performed only by qualified staff. Macroscopic (EN ISO 17639-A-E ) and quarry (EN ISO 9017 ) tests are being performed in our own lab.

Our supervisors make sure that all weldment production follows the EN ISO 14731 norm.

Divize SK Jívka
Divize Gemec Žacléř

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