Digging of mine shafts and underground workings

We dig mine shafts and underground workings of various lenght, profile and tilt. This is done either by hand or through blasting and drilling devices.

  • well
  • drainage
  • inclined slope


  • Pitkovice Well (2003) - small scale blasting
  • Horní Město Inclined Slope  (2012 – 2013) – lenght 40 m, profile 4 m2, inclination 16°; manual mining
  • Horní Město Well (2013) – lenght 40 m, profile 3,75 m2; manual mining
  • Úpadnice Horní Město Inclined Slope (2015 – 2016) – lenght 60 m, profile 4 m2, inclination 25°; small scale blasting

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